Case Tracker
Handling internal and external requests is very important within your company. Questions from users, questions from employees, bugs, requests for change, all examples of things you want to write on lists but you do not want to forget. Case Tracker offers the opportunity to centralize all these lists in a single system. Cases change of responsible employee and status but never dissapear from the list, although they might be filtered away of course.

A case always has an owner. Ussualy the creator of the case, for example the employee of the supportdepartment who gets a call about a bug from a customer. Beside the owner, a case is always assigned to someone too. The employee that should take the next action. For example a bug can be assigned to a developer to have a look at it, after that the developer gives a reaction and may assign it to the employee of the supportdepartment.
A case contains a history of the 'conversation' which took place to deal with the case. Everytime a case is changed, a new log is made of the status at that moment. This might be a statuschange, change or assignment or a new reaction (or all of them together). This way the history is visible for everybody who deals with the case.
Sometimes a case is coming from a customer or be part of a project. In those cases it might be useful to link the case to a specific customer/project so after the case is dealt with, the right person(s) can be informed.